Oral Immunotherapy (OIT)

Evidence-based therapy for children with food allergies

Oral Immunotherapy (OIT)

At Kindercare Pediatric Specialists (in Toronto, Ontario), the Food Allergy Oral Immunotherapy program is run by Toronto allergists/immunologists Dr. Melanie Conway and Dr. Amiirah Aujnarain. To qualify for the program, patients must be under 8 years of age with confirmed food allergies to any of the following foods: peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, sunflower, other seeds, other legumes, milk, egg, wheat, or soy. Patients should also be able to attend our Toronto clinic, in person, either monthly or twice monthly for treatment.

For children with food allergies, OIT can help reduce the risk of life-threatening allergic reactions from accidental ingestion.

OIT is not for everyone. If your child has a food allergy and you would like to meet with one of our Food allergy OIT specialists, please book an appointment with us. Initial consultations are always covered by OHIP.

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